September. 13 2022

Bat-friendly street lighting in Gladsaxe, Denmark receives a Build Back Better GREEN Award 2022

Light Bureau is awarded for ‘We Share the Night’. A project that seeks to balance the light in a way that allows humans and bats to coexist at night.


The rare Build Back Better GREEN Award rewards ‘We Share The Night’ for creating a safe passage for bikes and cars, and minimizing the negative impacts on biodiversity.

‘We Share The Night’ is a bat superhighway with specially tuned lighting. The street lights along a stretch of road at Frederiksborgvej in Gladsaxe, Denmark, have been designed to have a minimal impact on the local roosting and foraging bat population. The red lighting provides the necessary light see the road ahead and, in selective sections, follows the required lux and uniformity levels for Danish road and cycle path standards to aid traffic safety and accessibility.

The project is part of Gladsaxe Municipality’s implementation of UN Sustainable Development Goals with an aim to take the lead in ensuring the best conditions for both animals, humans, and biodiversity.

We want to thank our client Gladsaxe Kommune and close collaborator, Project Manager of traffic and facilities at Gladsaxe Kommune, Jonas Jørgensen, for the great teamwork.

Read more about the project.

Photographer: Rune Brandt Hermannsson

“We have been very lucky to work with a municipality that had the courage to try something radically different. This visually very different project is more or less invisible to the bats but surprising to humans both in real life and in pictures. We hope this will help spark discussions on how we strike the right balance between the human need for safety and the need for low environmental impact lighting solutions in the future”.

Says Rune Brandt Hermannsson, Senior Designer and Visualizer

Build Back Better Awards

The Build Back Better Awards celebrate and reward projects, products and industry initiatives for their innovation, creativity, social value and environmental leadership. The Build Back Better Green award is offered to projects with a strong sustainability and environmental narrative

Check out the list of winners announced in the lighting category for this year’s Build Back Better Awards.