Olaus Magnus Väg, Underpass.
We aim to transform urban spaces into inviting experiences where people can feel safe. The underpass at Olaus Magnus Väg in Stockholm is no exception.
The new lighting and decorative trees are part of the safety-creating measures for the pedestrians passing through day and night.
Client : Stockholm Stad
Completion year : 2021
Photographer : Fanny Englund
Quality of light
This project is based on investigations of the environment for pedestrians between Gullmarsplan and Hammarbysjöstad where the local citizens drew attention to the unsafe areas. One of them being the pedestrian and bicycle tunnel at Olaus Magnus Väg – a key underpass for pedestrians to and from Gullmarsplan, where many chose to cross the busy road instead of walking through.
It may seem obvious that research shows compelling correlations between light levels and unsafe places. However, it is not simply about the quantity of light. It is about the quality of the light.
“We focused the light on the vertical surface and not on the actual path on the ground, making the experience feel safer. We wanted to design a safe underpass, both at night and during the day. The trees are visible from the bridge when you come out of the subway station of Gullmarsplan and are designed to make the underpass more inviting. They connect us the park on the other side and create a safe feeling, also in daylight”