IALD Award of Excellence 2023

Light Bureau receives the Award of Excellence at the 40th annual International Lighting Design Awards for the lighting design at Espenes Rest stop in Norway.

Swedish Lighting Awards 2023

Light Bureau wins the Swedish Lighting Award 2023 for the exterior lighting design of The Riksdag and The Queen Silvia Concert Hall interior lighting.  

Stiftelsen Tryggare Sverige, Light Bureau and Solna Municipality collaborate to create a crime prevention model with smart lighting.

Lighting has a proven positive effect on safety and can help reduce crime. At the same time, the increased electricity prices have meant that many municipalities are planning to turn off outdoor and street lighting to reduce costs. The negative effects it can have on society, both in terms of citizens’ exposure to crime and insecurity, can be enormous.

Dezeen Awards 2021

Light Bureau wins the Architectural lighting of the year 2021 award at this year’s Dezeen Awards