Product Design.

Product Design.

From idea to realisation

Contributing to better indoor and outdoor environments and the needs of people’s everyday lives are always our top priority when choosing or designing new luminaires.

Luminaires should carefully support the architecture and be closely connected to the site for which they are intended.

Luminaires play a vital part in successful lighting design and choosing the right luminaires can be challenging. Lighting and the intensity of light has a huge effect on our well-being. At the same time, the luminaires must support the architecture, have suitable light distribution, good quality, the right technical properties, be energy efficient, and have a compliant control system. Moreover, contemporary luminaries should enable dynamic lighting scenarios to create the right atmosphere and reduce the use of energy.

Research and onsite insights are an integral and critical part of our design process, as well as including technology, creativity, feasibility and, above all the users and their needs. At times the best solution is to create something new or customize luminaires for a specific space.

We work closely with leading luminaire manufactures, architects, private developers, as well as municipal and governmental authorities to develop and improve the luminaires in any project. In addition, we include circular design and sustainability strategies to create meaningful solutions with respect for the environment in both production and use.

Our services

  • Product development
  • Product design
  • Concept development
  • Prototyping and 3D printing
  • Lighting design
  • Visualisation

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